A note from Christyn...
A note from Christyn:
This weekend I was talking with my partner about how this whole situation has left me feeling paralyzed. My heart was hurting for all people affected. I was nervous about all of our futures.
For me, someone who is pretty consistently filled with inspiration and is darn good in times of crisis, I felt stuck. Or so I thought.
I circled my proverbial wagons, first making sure that we had what we needed (not too much, and not too little.) I checked in on my friends and family near and far. The girls and I collaborated on a schedule and plans to help us grow and take care of ourselves while home.
And then I waited, and this is what came to me.
This time instead of sprinting to action, I will sit and wait. I am practicing what we’ve been teaching for years.
We are going to RESPOND instead of REACT.
We are listening to our hearts, and we are listening to you. We are here. We will take requests and ideas. We will share what we are learning. It will be our goal to address the specific needs that are arising out of this situation with thoughtfulness and compassion, and as always with hope.
We will listen and respond, as we are clearly being called to do right now.